Cleanups in Nigeria


Are you looking for Cleanups in Nigeria? Then you are in the right page. We develop cleanups all across the city of Lagos. Tarkwa beach, Makoko, Vitoria Island, has been some examples of successful past events.

If you want to join or be aware of future cleanup events do not hesitate to contact us as a volunteer. Just check the contact button in the banner above.

Also, do you want to know how we start our cleanups in Africa and Nigeria? then keep reading!

The origine of our cleanups in Nigeria

Lagos, one of the two capitals of Nigeria, faces a huge problem when it comes to waste management. The economic growth and the improvement in the quality of life, has caused a population growth that has been surpassed by the absorption capacity of the city. In 2019, his over 23 million citizens generated 13,000 tons of daily waste that their landfills are no longer capable of assuming.

This waste management issue is recurring when you travel through the city and do not see a necessary infrastructure (containers, street sweepers, etc), but it was when we visited Makoko when the Nigeria´s Capital took us by surprise.


Makoko, it is a a neighborhood  emerged in the water. For this reason it is also known as “The Venice of Africa”.  It was amazing, beautiful and unique. However, we were shocked by the amount of waste in the water. Everywhere. It was responsible for the darker color of it. The biggest issue is not only towards the Environment, but a serious threat to public health. Polio is known to be a common sickness around. 

That is how our first project, #projectmakoko was born. And with him, mondo4africa. We started with the management and organization of an event, inviting everyone who could participate and joining the main stakeholders of the city and community.  The result was our first clean up with dozens of volunteers and more than 50 tons of waste collected (check Makoko Clean Up). 

What next?

After the success of our first event we did not want this to stay there. We knew it was the beginning of a movement to raise awareness about climate change and waste/plastic crisis in Africa.

So we looked for a way in which we could still replicating clean up events through all the city of Lagos.

This is how we found Faruq (or he found us?), who encourage in choosing him as a crew leader for events and to keep working in projects to put Lagos and the waste problem on spotlight.

Now in 2021, we are very proud to say that Makoko was the first of many events in the Capital of Nigeria. 

We are working untiringly to develop clean ups in Lagos and new projects which involve plastic elimination and responsible waste management. 

Faruq during World Ocean Day 2021

Keep track of our cleanup events in Nigeria

Do you want to know how it is going? 

Follow us in the social media (@mondo4africa) And do not miss the events that our crew are carrying out 

We are so excited about this that is driving everyone around us nuts. .
No one said it was going to be easy, but then nothing worth doing is.
Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best.

If you, reader, want to collaborate, you can do it volunteering on the events or geting one of our products. The Sale of our cleaning up t-shirts allows us to fund these activities and spread awareness in Africa and the world about the plastic crisis. We will share with you the information of the events and you could be participate on our journey to improve the situation in the continent.



The sale of our cleaning up t-shirts allows us to fund these activities and spread awareness in Africa and the world about plastic crisis.