Who We Are
It all started with a crazy talk between 2 new friends:
– Dude, I want to clean the beach! Have you heard about the trash challenge ?
– yeah! we should definetely clean it! My friends did something similar in Seville! 🤩
And just like that….we were BORN 🌍
We started as a crazy idea about cleaning the beach. We couldn’t afford to buy enough bags. We went to the beach and learnt that because there is no way to transport the trash, they just bury it in the sand.
How do we solve this? 🤔
Destiny decided to take us to Makoko
We truly believe that this adventure is going to make a difference. If not, We wouldn’t be doing what we are doing. In order to make a real impact we cannot just sit around and hope that things just turn around like that. No. It is in our actions, daily repeated, that we can truly do something. Thinking about what you want to do is Step 1 in the process. You got to complete the process by DOING!

Our associates

What We Do
— We Find
Different factors are taken into account when choosing a new project. How easy it is to clean the area, how many will be able to participate, infrastructure… but above all we consider the impact that we can create at an environmental and social level.
— We Build Networks
Having chosen the project, we have to find out the reasons why the problem exists. We sit together all the stakeholders involved. From politicians, to neighbors, along with cleaning companies that can shed light on the problem.
— We Fund
Discovered the cause of the problem we raise funds to make possible the change in the communities not only developing clean up events (& raising awareness) but investing in developing technologies capable to eradicate waste.
— We Educate
Local schools participate with us during the clean up events so the message about waste crisis and waste management get to the students. At the end we work for a better world for them.
— We Provide
On the day of the event, all the materials are provided by Mondo africa. From gloves and bags, to rakes and boots, attending to each situation.
In addition, food and drinks are distributed to our participants.
— We Clean
The Cleanup Event occurs. After managing teams and assigning areas, the garbage is concentrated in different points, where it will be collected by specialized trucks and moved to the right place.