Recycling wall

At Mondo4Africa we are very happy to share with you the success we have obtained with our project “Build a World to be Inherited”.

Through the creation of murals with recycled material we found a way for involving children into environmental awareness while removing used plastic from our surroundings.

While the children in the schools could collect and pick up all kind of material is convenient to be recycled, we elaborate murals with recycled wood which could reprenset different concepts, pets or logos of the schools. 

So far, different regions and schools of Spain has been participating on this beautiful initiative, with thousands of HDPE caps collected.

Here we will show you the results, and also, the process, in the case you want to do this in your home, office or school in your area. Contact us and let us know your work! We will be not only flattered, but also eager to share!

Murals made with recycled material: SEVILLe, GUILLENA.

Murales con material reciclado
Kelly & Tete during the creation of the recycled murals

This was our first recycled material mural that we developed for the schools of Guillena, Sevilla.

Taking advantage of its twentieth anniversary, the theme chosen for the murals is a recreation of the most touristic and natural element representative of Guillena: The Water Route, also called “Ruta del Agua”.

The murals were made with recycled products like plastic bottles, bottle covers and cans. We also taught the children the importance of protecting the environment and how to recycle their waste. Turning trash into beautiful artistic pieces.

In this exhibition we try to recreate how, through good consumption, care and recycling, the landscape of our environment is acquiring more order and beauty, going from polluted water (dark blue), a chaotic mountain (red cans) and cloudy skies (white), to a more orderly and clean landscape.

murales con material reciclado
Mural hecho con plastico
Murales hechos con material reciclado

The murals are already on display in the four schools of Guillena, Las Pajanosas and Torre de la Reina.

They will be placed indefinitely, with the aim of serving as an inspiration for the youngest for generations.

Murals made with recycled material: CÁDIZ.

For the schools in Cádiz, we are very proud to have made three murals, one representing a stork at El Soto school, another a chameleon in San Ambrosio, and a last mural showing a lighthouse on the beach for Almenara school. Each of these murals is a work of art that reflects our commitment to the environment and sustainability

Mural con tapones de plástico
Recycled material mural of a stork, in El Soto school.
Mondo4africa con mural reciclado
Kelly & Tete setting up the mural at Almenara school


Mural con madera reciclada

The creation process has been long and harder than we thought!

For this we had to collect hundreds of bottle caps from the cabbage, restaurants and bars that were going to be sent to the landfill.

After getting wood, protecting it and creating the frames, is important we ensure the mural with back up supports. you have to remember this will hold some kg of plastic, and you want to do it properly!

we move on to the creative phase! Below some of the images of the process 🙂

Murales con material reciclado

You can use a projector to put your immage in the wall. This way you will get a precise desing of what you want to do.

Finally, you will need a place to hang it up, so remember to take the measures where to locate the hooks. Tape measures, drills and hooks will be necessary! do not want to suffer as our associate in the image:

Kelly struggling with the driller

A lasting action project

It’s absolutely possible to reduce plastic waste till we have a plastic-free world, and prevent the world from becoming an overflowing dumpster. We can do this by teaching and inspiring the next generation to protect our planet.

Teaching kids about recycling can be fun, creative and engaging! The 3 ‘Rs’ of waste management can be simplified to create lasting impact on recycling and sustainability education.

Murales con material reciclado
Murales con material reciclado

The murals are already exposed in the schools in Cádiz and Sevilla.

They will be placed indefinitely, with the aim of serving as an inspiration to the youngest for generations.

Our project aims to educate on sustainability, the environment and plastic pollution. We want to convey a positive message to the youngest, so that they too feel committed to the environment and realize the importance of caring for our planet.

In addition, we want to thank all the people who have collaborated with us in there project, the schools that have given us their spaces, and especially the boys and girls who have participated with great enthusiasm.

We hope that this initiative has been inspiring for everyone and that we continue working together to build a better world for the next generations.

That has been the central point of our message in schools, and we have to recognize it, we have been surprised by the involvement of the youngest with recycling!

Here we leave you, and remember:

Build a World to be Inherited