
Recycling Videogames for kids

Our planet faces serious challenges when we do not care for it properly. These problems include deforestation, the extinction of animal and plant species, the enormous amount of waste we generate, climate change, drought and ocean pollution.

Plastic pollution is one of the most serious threats to our planet.

Do you know why this happens? Why are there so many plastics? What problems do plastics cause?

To help the planet, it is crucial to understand the environmental problems we face, their causes and consequences, and most importantly, what can we do to mitigate them?

Explore a collection of interactive recycling video games designed for kids of all ages. They are ideal tools for teachers and educators who want to teach the importance of recycling and caring for the environment in a fun and educational way.

Ready to play?

Recycling games for preschool boys and girls (up to 6 years old)

Find the couple

A game to work memory and reinforce concepts

Open and answer!

Open the boxes and answer the questions about how to care for the environment

Do you dare to organize the garbage?

Sort the waste and throw it in the correct bucket.

Recycling games for 1st and 2nd grade (7-8 years)

Recycling videogame

Video game that teaches you how to collect trash and recycle it in the correct container

Open and answer

What things are good and bad for our environment?

Puzzles about environment

Complete the puzzle about trucks collecting waste in the city.

Recycling games for 3rd and 4th grade (9 and 10 years old)

Become an eco-detective

Find the environmental criminal!

Waste on the sea Videogame

Your mission will be to free the ocean of plastic pollution.


Reflect on the environment and select the correct answers

Recycling games for 5th and 6th grade (11 and 12 years old)

Thanos Endgame

Thanos wants to destroy the planet. He enters the game and saves him by collecting the gems! Enter the link and access as "Sing in as a guest student" Enter the name of the class and let's play!

Recycling password

Remember the words related to recycling and the environment in this donut.

Teaching future generations about the importance of recycling and caring for the environment is essential to preserve our planet. Through our interactive recycling video games, children can learn in a fun and educational way how their actions can make a positive difference. These tools are perfect for teachers and educators looking to integrate environmental lessons into their classes, helping students understand and confront issues such as plastic pollution, climate change, and deforestation.

Immerse yourself in our interactive video games and start inspiring young people to be defenders of the planet today. With each game, they are one step closer to becoming the environmental heroes of tomorrow. Discover the power of playful learning and contribute to a more sustainable future!